Building a Deep Learning Mac
Let's face it. Deep learning is rapidly being explored as the next frontier in statistical modeling. The current options for deep learning include cloud-based computing, UNIX workstations, and to a limited extent Windows computers (Windows and Python do not readily agree). Mac OS has been left in the dust because of the lack of support for NVIDIA at Apple. Honestly, it's a disgrace and a huge misstep for Apple.
Things are slowly improving based on work featured at Support for NVIDIA GPUs is still unsupported at Apple, but people are having great success getting systems up and running. I'm one of those people. We are in the process of receiving an NIH grant to help document and train people on how to turn their run-of-the-mill Mac into a deep learning power house. The instructions for this are evolving, so I'm using to help with version control.
The documentation is underway and can be found here:
Please feel free to drop a question or feedback here or on Github.